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Calvin and Hobbes

Star Wars







The Best Movie Ever!!!!!!!!!

The Entire Star Wars Story

Qui Gon Jinn and his padawan learner Obi-Wan Kenobi are 2 jedi who were sent to the battle station of the Trade Federation as ambassadors for the Republic. Insterad of a warm greeting, they end up escaping on a battle droid ship going to invade Naboo. When they get there, they befriend JarJar Binks, a Gungan local, and rescue Queen Amidala, who was captured by the viceroy of the Trade Federation. They head for Corusacant, but they run out of power, so they head for a planet called Tatooine, were they meet Anakin Skywalker, a young boy who helps them. Then they go to the senate at Coruscant didn't help, so they went to Naboo, bombed the trade Federation's battle station and the Gungan army defeated the droid army. 10 years later, Obi Wan and Anakin, his padawan learner, are sent to protect Senator Padme Amidala. They trace her assination to a planet called Kamino. Obi Wan goes there and finds a clone army for the republic, and the bounty hunter Jango Fett. Obi Wan follows Jango and his son Boba to another planet. Meanwhile, Anakin takes Padme with him to find his mother on Tatooine, but his mom, Shmi, dies. Finding Obi Wan in trouble, they decide to rescue him. All 3 end up at the next execution. Mace Windu and the rest of the Jedi come to help, and when they are almost defeated, Yoda comes with the clones to help them. Anakin and Padme get married. Years later, Anakin and Obi Wan rescue the chancellor. The chancellor turns Anakin to the Darkside of the force, and names him Darth Vader. Most of the jedi die. Only Obi Wan and Yoda survive. Padme gives birth to twins, Luke and Leia, and dies. The republic turns into an empire. When Luke and Leia are about 18, Luke finds himself, Obi Wan, Han Solo and Chewbacca, a pilot and his wookie copilot going to Alderaan, to help Princess Leia, Luke's unknown sister. Luke finds out his father was a jedi, and is learning from Obi Wan. Instead of finding Alderaan, they find a huge battle station called the Death Star. Luke and Han rescue Leia, and Darth Vader kills Obi Wan in a lightsaber fight, and Luke bombs the Deathstar. Luke and Han stay with the rebels and go to the Hoth system. There Luke sees the spirit of Obi Wan telling him to go to Dagobah to learn from the jedi master Yoda. Han,Leia, and Chewie go on the Millenion falcon to Lando's cloud city. There they are captured by Darth Vader, they are bait for Luke. Luke was learning from Yoda. Luke almost died and learned that Darth Vader was his father. Han was put in carbonite. Leia, Luke, Chewie, and Lando went to rescue Han from Jabba the Hutt. Then they went back to the rebel base. Lando was the captain of the people who were bombing the 2nd Death Star. Han, Leia, Luke and Chewie were in charge of deactivating the deflecter shield. They befriended Ewoks, who helped them defeat the empire. Luke turned his father back to the lightside.